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This Busy Teacher Kit provides guides on how to teach reading, writing, listening, and speaking like a pro. Each kit includes various contents and strategies for effective teaching. Additionally, the kit offers secrets and tips for teaching different levels of English. Check out the materials uploaded on the provided links.

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What A World: Amazing Stories from Around the Globe is a three-book series with audio that covers interesting topics from around the world and history. Each unit includes reading, vocabulary, comprehension, discussion, writing, and spelling and punctuation work. The audio course has 20 lessons and self-tests after Unit 10 and Unit 20 to assess progress.

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Hangman by Jack Heath is a thriller novel about a 14-year-old boy who goes missing and the FBI's last resort, Timothy Blake, codename Hangman, who is a genius and a sociopath. The kidnapper is more cunning and ruthless than anyone he's faced before, and Blake has been assigned a new partner, a woman linked to the past he's so desperate to forget. The novel is a mesmerising dissection of the criminal mind and a bulletproof thriller.

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Книга 'Grammar: Games and activities for teachers' содержит коллекцию из 120 игр, направленных на тренировку и закрепление английской грамматики. Книга состоит из 2 частей: методические рекомендации для учителя и раздаточный материал, который можно копировать для учащихся. Предложенные игры разработаны для студентов, начинающих изучать язык (элементарный уровень), а также для владеющих продвинутым уровнем. Книга 'The Grammar Teacher's Activity-a-Day: 180 Ready-to-Use Lessons to Teach Grammar and Usage' содержит 180 практических уроков и заданий по грамматике и использованию языка на каждый день учебного года. В пособии также приведены советы для преподавателей по использованию каждой темы или урока для легкого обучения в классе. Кроме того, на странице представлена коллекция всех пособий от 'Визуального английского'.

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English as a Second F*cking Language (ESF*L) is a book that teaches nonnative speakers the basics of swearing in English. It also offers native speakers a wide variety of twists and new refinements. The book provides a smorgasbord of swearing synonyms designed to boost your vocabulary. The Final F*cking Exam is the perfect test to see how much you've learned.

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